AEDs – Safety Comes First


A client of Turnkey Sales recognized the importance of having AEDs readily available across their facility. However, due to unforeseen supply chain disruptions and issues, our client had been waiting for more than a year for the delivery of the ordered AEDs.. This delay had put them in a vulnerable position, risking patient safety and regulatory compliance.

After thorough market research and recommendations, Turnkey Sales, recognizing the urgency of the situation, immediately sprung into action.

  • Rapid Assessment: Turnkey Sales initiated a swift assessment of their client’s requirements, understanding the specific needs of each facility and the desired number of AEDs.

  • Streamlined Procurement: Leveraging their robust supplier network, Turnkey Sales was able to source high-quality AEDs in a timely manner. Their established relationships within the industry allowed for faster procurement and minimized the risks associated with potential supply chain hiccups.

  • Efficient Logistics: To ensure a seamless delivery process, Turnkey Sales worked closely with logistics partners experienced in handling medical equipment. They coordinated transportation, adhering to all necessary regulations and safety protocols.

Turnkey Sales successfully delivered and installed the required AEDs across to their client within less than 90 days. This rapid deployment alleviated the concerns surrounding safety during medical emergencies.  The client was highly satisfied with Turnkey Sales’ exceptional responsiveness and ability to fulfill their critical needs promptly.

The positive outcomes of this collaboration were substantial:

  • Enhanced Preparedness:  Our client significantly improved their emergency response capabilities, bolstering patient safety and regulatory compliance.

  • Trust and Confidence: Turnkey Sales’ efficient execution of the project earned the client’s trust. 

  • Repeat Business: Impressed with the quick and effective solution provided by Turnkey Sales, the client placed a second order for over 50 additional AEDs, further solidifying their partnership.

This case illustrates the critical role of effective and responsive suppliers in maintaining patient safety and organizational operations. Turnkey Sales’ swift response to the client’s urgent requirement not only resolved an ongoing issue but also paved the way for a long-term partnership and repeat business. This case demonstrates the importance of adaptability and proactivity in the face of unforeseen challenges within the medical supply chain sector.