When it comes to acquiring equipment for your business, the decision to rent or buy can be as complex as it is critical. With factors like cost, maintenance, and usage frequency at play, it’s important to weigh your options carefully. Turnkey Sales is here to help you navigate through this decision-making process with a comprehensive look at the benefits and considerations of renting versus purchasing equipment.

Benefits of Equipment Rental:

1. Flexibility:

Renting equipment offers unparalleled flexibility. Need a forklift for a week-long project? Or perhaps a skid steer for a one-off job? Rental allows you to access the right equipment exactly when you need it, without the commitment of a purchase.

2. Cost-Effectiveness:

Renting can be more cost-effective, particularly for short-term use. It eliminates the upfront investment required to purchase, which can be significant, especially for high-value items like boom lifts and backhoes.

3. Maintenance and Upkeep:

With rentals, the responsibility of maintenance and repairs typically falls on the rental company. This means you can avoid the ongoing costs and manpower associated with equipment upkeep.

4. Latest Technology:

Rental companies often offer the latest models and technologies. This gives your business a competitive edge by using modern and efficient equipment without the depreciation hit of owning it.

5. Trial Before Purchase:

Unsure about a piece of equipment? Renting allows you to test it out in real-world conditions before deciding whether to invest in a purchase.

Considerations of Equipment Rental:

1. Long-Term Costs:

For long-term projects or frequent equipment use, rental costs can add up over time and may eventually surpass the purchase price.

2. Availability:

While rental companies like Turnkey Sales strive to meet demand, during peak seasons, the specific equipment you need might not be available immediately.

3. Customization Limits:

Rental equipment is often generic to cater to a wide market, meaning you may not find the specialized features you would get with a purchased piece.

Benefits of Equipment Purchase:

1. Asset Ownership:

Purchasing equipment means it’s yours. It becomes a business asset, which can be depreciated over time, offering tax benefits.

2. No Time Restrictions:

Own it, use it whenever and however you like. There are no rental periods or extra fees for extended use.

3. Customization and Familiarity:

Buying allows you to select equipment with the exact specifications you require and allows operators to become highly skilled on specific machines.

Considerations of Equipment Purchase:

1. Initial Capital:

The initial outlay for purchasing equipment can be substantial and may not be the best use of capital for infrequently used items.

2. Maintenance and Storage:

Owning equipment means you’re on the hook for ongoing maintenance, repairs, and storage, which can be costly.

3. Depreciation:

Equipment depreciates over time. This means your investment loses value, and when it comes to selling, you may not recoup much of the original cost.


Deciding whether to rent or purchase equipment for your business requires a careful analysis of your company’s financial situation, project needs, and long-term equipment usage. Turnkey Sales prides itself on offering both rental and purchase options to fit any scenario. We’re dedicated to helping you make the choice that will keep your operations running smoothly and efficiently, without breaking the bank.

Our team is ready to provide personalized consultations to determine the best course of action for your equipment needs. Contact us today to explore our wide range of rental and purchase options and find out what Turnkey Sales can do for you.